2006 Edition

Mind & Brain 2006 - The winners
Mind & Brain 2006
Mind & Brain 2006 - John R. Searle
Mind & Brain 2006 - Giovanni Liotti
Mind & Brain 2006 - Andrea Comba

The Mind&Brain Prize - 2006 Edition was held in Turin on May 24 in the aula Magna del Rettorato of the University of Turin.

The prize has been assigned to:

John R. Searle
University of California, Berkeley

"For the significant insights and the remarkable theoretical and technical advancements in the study of the mind and of the nature and structure of language in its social reality"

Giovanni Liotti
President of the Società Italiana di Terapia Comportamentale e Cognitiva


"For the outstanding theoretical advancements in the field of Attachment Theory, and for the clinical implications of his studies on the aetiopathogenesis and treatment of dissociative and borderline states"

Andrea Comba
(President of the Fondazione CRT of Turin)

"For the active involvement in supporting and sponsoring scientific research in cognitive sciences" 

International conference of John R. Searle

Searle"What is language" - Mind & Brain Lecture 2006
May 25, 2006
Sala Cavour del centro Torino Incontra, via Nino Costa 8, 10123 Torino.
Bruno G. Bara, Centro di Scienza Cognitiva, Università e Politecnico di Torino;
Michele Di Francesco, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano.