Cogsci Edition - 2005

Mind & Brain 2005 - Jerry Fodor
Mind & Brain 2005 - James L. McClelland
Mind & Brain 2005 - Lectio Doctoralis of Jerry Fodor
Mind & Brain 2005 - Lectio Doctoralis of James L. McClelland

The 2005 edition was held in the XXVII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society - July 21-23, Stresa, Italy - organized by the Centre of Cognitive Science of Tuirn.
The Prize for the year 2005 has been assigned to: 

Jerry Fodor
Rutgers University

James L. McClelland
Carnegie Mellon University               

On July 23rd in Stresa there have been the Lectio Doctoralis of James McClelland (pdf) and Jerry Fodor (pdf)

For detailed informations, see the CogSci05 Detailed Conference Schedule - mind & brain Prize.